Boom Truck Operator Job Description
Basic Training and Skills for a Boom Operator, Boom Operators: A Job Description, Operator Qualifications for Boom Truck Operation, Mobile Crane Operator Certification Overview and more about boom truck operator job. Get more data about boom truck operator job for your career planning.

Basic Training and Skills for a Boom Operator
A boom operator is a member of the sound team that captures live sound on movie and television sets. The title refers to a type of microphone that is called the boom mic. Basic training and shoulder and arm strength are required for working as a boom operator, as the microphone must be held up for long periods of time.
The operator must sometimes twist the pole back and forth to angle the microphone placement, as well as bracing the boom mic over his or her head. The operator may be able to catch each actor's words by changing the placement of the microphone. Proper stance is required to avoid arm, neck, or back injury, and it is important to have strong arms and shoulder strength.
The sound mixer is usually nearby when sound is being recorded, so boom operators need to be able to communicate easily. The mixer listens to the sound coming from the boom microphone and can give valuable information about how the recording is going. An operator will occasionally serve as a sound mixer, and will be able to hear what the microphone is picking up through headphones.
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Boom Operators: A Job Description
Being a boom operator is a physically demanding job, with their arms raised for hours at a time. They work long hours and are among the lowest tier of crew members, but the job is a great way to absorb all aspects of production and determine what field you might want to pursue more seriously. The boom operators are trained to be sound mixer.
Operator Qualifications for Boom Truck Operation
A job site is important for safety. All boom truck operators need to be trained in order to operate the equipment safely. OSHA requires all boom truck operators to be trained.
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Mobile Crane Operator Certification Overview
The main Mobile Crane Operator Certification Overview page contains information eligibility, experience, physical evaluation, examinations, time frames, recertification requirements, and other policies applicable to the Boom Truck Operator program. The written exam is a different version of the exam. Questions that were irrelevant to boom trucks have been removed and replaced with questions that deal with boom truck operations.
The Life of a Boom Operator
The role of a boom operator is to place and hold the boom microphone to record the dialogue for actors during a film or television shoot and to know the basics of the use of wireless microphones and recording equipment. A typical day for Tim Lloyd, a Boom Operator who has worked on numerous film and television productions, is a typical one. The equipment truck is located after arriving on set.
He will help to organize the equipment on the sound and utility carts. Next, it is time to find the electricity. Lloyd states that most Boom Operators are contracted or free lance workers.
Once they start working on bigger budget projects, they become employees and become a part of the union. They are paid through an employment company that takes out taxes. Boom Operators can get holiday pay and build hours towards their health care coverage with union earnings.
The amount of money paid for a show or film can be affected by the budget of the show or film, as well as the studio or production company financing it. Lloyd is quick to mention that the life of a boom operator can be very hard. There are periods of a month or more where no jobs are available for someone who has been in the business for a while.
It is helpful to have a side gig that allows a Boom Operator to make ends meet until the next production job comes along. Tim emphasizes that someone just starting out on the path to becoming a Boom Operator can take any media-related job. Gaining on-set experience early will help when issues arrive.
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The Boom Operator in a Production Sound Mixer
Have you ever watched a blooper reel of a film and seen a microphone above the frame? A member of the sound crew holds up the microphone. If they do their job well, you won't see the mic, and instead you'll hear clear audio when actors say their lines.
The boom mic can be held up by a microphone stand, but for most cinematic productions, the action is always moving, so the boom mic needs the flexibility andVersatility of a boom operator to follow the actors. The boom operator is an entry level job that doesn't require any film set experience, so you don't need to have any experience in that area to be considered. Once you get a job as a boom operator, you can use the experience to learn how to work on set and record audio for use in a production sound mixer.
Mobile Crane Operator Programs
The Mobile Crane Operator programs are available for five and ten days. The ten-day program is recommended by CICB to gain additional knowledge and seat time in the cranes.
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