Instructional Technology Specialist Job Description
The Impact of Instructional Technology on Assessment and Evaluation, Educational Technology Specialists, The Online Education of Technology Teachers, The Instructional Technology Specialist and more about instructional technology specialist job. Get more data about instructional technology specialist job for your career planning.

The Impact of Instructional Technology on Assessment and Evaluation
Current trends in psychology and learning theory are applied to improve job training and performance as well as meeting educational challenges in the field of instructional technology. The rapid changes in educational and training needs are met through a systematic process of learning and instruction that uses technology. The design of instruction, management of instructional resources, settings, products and events are all done by instructional technologists.
The modern application of instructional technology can be traced back to World War II when it became necessary to train a large labor and military force quickly and efficiently. The United States military used instructional films and standardized tests. A similar strategy was used to train new workers.
The analysis of the specific needs and goals of the target group of learners is one of the primary tasks of instructional technology. The needs and goals are identified and the appropriate learning system is selected. In many cases, it is necessary to develop a new learning system from existing theories and technologies like software applications, teleconferencing and podcasting.
The impact of instructional technology on assessment and evaluation has been found. The educational software applications can be tailored to meet the needs of individual students and allow them to get feedback on their work and make their own corrections. The value of products and programs is assessed by instructional technologists.
An instructional technologist will be responsible for allocating technology resources and teaching. Resources can include technology, media or learning center, computers, mp3 players and other equipment. The instructional technologist has additional tasks.
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Educational Technology Specialists
Technology-based learning hardware and applications are also implemented and maintained by instructional technology specialists. An EdTech specialist's job in a school setting is to foster both appreciation for and understanding of how technology can impact learning and in turn, each student's future. The ideal candidate for the ETS has good problem-solving and communication skills.
Prospective instructional technology specialists will benefit from knowing about computer-based training software, web page creation and development software, and photo and video creation and editing software. Technology plans, tools, and programs are incorporated into a school's learning environment. The candidates for the ETS should be able to teach students and staff how to use technology in learning.
An educational technology specialist is involved in matching students' educational needs with appropriate technologies on a day to day basis. The median annual salary for educational technology specialists is about the same as that of instructional coordinators, which is about $65,450. A program that teaches educational technology specialist is an ideal program for licensed teachers.
Answer: Educational technology specialists find work with private companies that design and develop instructional materials, such as multimedia textbook publishers and new media instruction companies. Not-for-profit and government organizations are where the ETS professionals work.
The Online Education of Technology Teachers
There is one big bonus for anyone interested in educational technology degrees and careers. Techiques earn higher salaries than regular teachers. One of the highest paid career paths for teachers is educational technology jobs.
Most of the people who are taught through corporate training centers are adult learners, so they can be taught by teachers who have degrees in teaching online. Trainers and course developers in corporate environments make about 10 percent more than those in the K-12 educational system. The instructional coordinators must be licensed.
Some states require a teaching license while others do not. Private education and corporate training do not usually require licensing. You should study the licensing requirements for the state in which you want to work.
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The Instructional Technology Specialist
The instructional technology specialist supports faculty with information technology. Assists in teaching how to set up and use computer applications and related technologies. Being an instructional technology specialist can help resolve technical problems.
Multi-Media Integration in the Learning Resource Center
Work closely with the faculty, students, library and learning resource centers to integrate multi-media, web technologies, and content into classroom projects. Attend district meetings to learn about the implementation plans.
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