Oshc Educator Job Description


Author: Artie
Published: 3 Oct 2021

The OSHC Subcommitte, OSHC - A Place for Interacting Scientists, Early Childhood Education: Certification, Training Programs and Tools, Training your educators to support children's learning and development and more about oshc educator job. Get more data about oshc educator job for your career planning.

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The OSHC Subcommitte

The decision to establish an OSHC service is a school council decision, and whether the service is managed and operated by the school council or delivered by a third-party provider. The school council has legal responsibilities and oversight of the OSHC service. If the school council decides to provide an OSHC service, it is recommended that the OSHC subcommittee remain place to assist with the establishment and ongoing management of the service.

OSHC - A Place for Interacting Scientists

OSHC has the most important reason to work. It is a play based environment that allows you to develop a relationship with children and families. You can mentor the children and try out ideas you have with them, you can also study for your degree.

Early Childhood Education: Certification, Training Programs and Tools

Early childhood educators are responsible for the overall health and welfare of the children in their classroom, which requires constant monitoring of all children during learning times, meal times, restroom breaks, and nap times. Early childhood teachers need an associate's degree or better in child development, early childhood education, elementary education, or special education to work institutions of learning. Candidates for primary or assistant teacher must have at least one year of classroom teaching experience.

First aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training certification are required for early childhood educators to meet licensing requirements. The early childhood educators have acredential. The Child Development Associate credential requires candidates to complete a certain number of hours of training and meet other goals that vary depending on the age group of children being educated.

In some cases, early childhood teachers must pass a state exam to be allowed to teach. NAEYC offers publications and development programs for early childhood educators, as well as information about accreditation programs and tools for more effective classroom leadership. The National Childcare Association has a lot of information for early childhood educators, as well as news to keep them up to date, and forums to provide networking opportunities.

See our article on Clinical Educator career planning.

Training your educators to support children's learning and development

Train your team is the most effective way to meet the National Quality Framework requirements. An effective team of educators can support any director of service in implementing the child outcomes, linking activities to children's learning and development and maintaining an effective routine. How do you plan and manage programs in OSHC?

Standards for Professional Practice and Education

Developing professional standards for educators that can guide professional learning, practice and engagement helps improve the quality of educators and contributes to the public standing of the profession. The standards describe the key elements of a quality education. They articulate what the educators are expected to know and be able to do at four career stages: Foundation, Developing, Proficient and Lead.

The language used to describe each stage has been carefully considered. The standards for OSHC's essential knowledge, practice and engagement foundations are not formal qualifications for educators. The next level describes the progress of the teacher as they develop their qualifications.

At the proficient and lead levels, educators can get a qualification. The Standards and their descriptors represent analysis of contemporary practice by teachers. Their development included a synthesis of descriptions of educators' knowledge, practice and professional engagement used by accreditation and training authorities, employers and professional associations.

The understanding of what is required at different stages of a person's career has informed each descriptor. The OSHC profession was the subject of a sector specific validation process. The framework by which educators can judge the success of their work is provided by the standards of the teacher's union.

The Standards can be used to recognize the current and developing capabilities of educators. Standards help to professionalise education and care services, including Outside School Hours Care. They could be used as the basis for a performance evaluation to ensure that educators can demonstrate appropriate levels of professional knowledge, professional practice and professional engagement.

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