Water Transfer Technician Job Description


Author: Albert
Published: 14 Feb 2020

Water Technicians: Work Experience, Job Opportunities and Jobs, Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators, Water Transfer Service Line Supported by Select's Automation Technician and more about water transfer technician job. Get more data about water transfer technician job for your career planning.

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Water Technicians: Work Experience, Job Opportunities and Jobs

Water technicians work for government facilities at a local or national level. Others work for companies that test water. A water technician is supervised by scientists.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 27 percent of environmental science technicians work in state or local government. Consultants work for 23 percent and testing laboratories for 13 percent. Water technicians spend a lot of time outdoors, even in the bad weather.

Detailed column about Lead Service Technician job planning.

Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators

Over the decade, about 10,500 openings for water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators are projected, despite the fact that employment is declining. The openings are expected to be caused by the need to replace workers who transfer to other occupations or retire. It takes a lot of work to get water from natural sources.

It is a complicated process to convert the wastewater from the drain and sewer into a form that is safe to release into the environment. Water treatment plants have system operators working in them. Fresh water is pumped from wells, rivers, streams, or reservoirs to water treatment plants, where it is treated and distributed to customers.

The operators of the water treatment plants control the equipment and processes that make the water safe to drink. Wastewater treatment plant operators remove pollutants from waste. Wastewater travels through sewer pipes to treatment plants where it is either returned to the water or used for irrigation.

Wastewater treatment plant and system operators work indoors and outdoors. Their work is physically demanding and is usually performed in locations that are not clean. Operators are exposed to unpleasant odors and may be exposed to noise from machinery.

Wastewater treatment plant and system operators are at risk of getting injured. They must pay close attention to safety procedures because of hazardous conditions, such as slippery walkways, the presence of dangerous gases, and malfunctioning equipment. Operators of water and waste treatment plants work full time.

Water Transfer Service Line Supported by Select's Automation Technician

The Water Transfer service line will be supported by the Select's Automation Technician. The Water Transfer service line collects and moves water through poly pipe, lay flat hose and underground lines from water sources to customer frac jobs. The work of automation technicians is done outdoors in all types of conditions.

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Water Transfer on Freack Sites

Transferring water onto frack sites is one of the duties. Also hands on while rigging up different ways to push water, whether by truck or polypipe line from a large body of water. Skills in equipment operating include a telahandler, skid steer, and fusing machine.

Water Technician Resume Examples

Water technicians are responsible for distributing water to consumers. Water Technician resume examples show specific job duties such as maintaining and operating equipment, measuring water quality, adjusting the chemicals used to make water potable, and interpreting measurement information. Water treatment expertise, good numeracy skills, analytical thinking, attention to details, and being able to work without supervision are some of the skills displayed on most resumes in the field. Water technicians have an Associate's Degree in water treatment.

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Water Engineers

A water engineer is involved in the provision of clean water, the disposal of waste water and sewage, and the prevention of flood damage. Their job involves repairing, maintaining and building structures that control water resources. Water engineers spend most of their time in an office looking over data and designing new water management systems.

Transferable skills are skills that can be used by an employer. Soft skills, transferable skills, and other qualities are often sought after by employers in strong candidates. If you have experience in a different industry, you can use it to your advantage when applying for a new job.

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Water and wastewater treatment plant, system operator salaries in the U.S

The Holland Code framework states that the water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators have an interest in the Building and Organizing interest areas. The focus of the Building interest area is on working with tools and machines. The focus of the organizing interest area is to keep things orderly.

If you don't know if you have an interest in Building organizing which would fit with a career as a water and wastewater treatment plant and system operator, you can take a career test. The median annual wage for water and wastewater treatment plant and system operators was $47,760 in May. Half of the workers in an occupation earn more than the median wage, and half earn less.

The lowest 10 percent earned less than $30,000, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $77,600. There are expected to be job opportunities when workers leave the occupation permanently. Those with training or higher education in water or wastewater systems will be the best candidates for a job.

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