Yard Specialist Job Description
Acquirements of a lumber yard worker, A Bachelor Degree in Lawn Care, A Top-notch Lawn Care Specialist, A Lawn Care Specialist and more about yard specialist job. Get more data about yard specialist job for your career planning.

Acquirements of a lumber yard worker
The lumber yard workers are known as lumber handlers and work in a variety of industries. They perform different responsibilities at their work location. They determine the quality, type, size and price of lumbers.
They are responsible for filling orders and giving materials to their clients. They also offer a lot of custom services such as knowing how to operate power tools, drive and operate forklift, and a lot more. High school diplomas and other courses are required for being a lumberjack yard worker.
A bachelor's degree is not really needed. Some workers can get certification from professional associations, while others need to be certified. They need to know how to use redwood lumber, how to maintain it, and how to lift heavy loads up to 90 lbs.
See our report on Yard Hand career planning.
A Bachelor Degree in Lawn Care
The lawn care specialists are in charge of mowing grass, applying pesticides, trimming hedges and trees, and planting flowers. They must maintain lawns at places such as private homes, hospitals, corporate properties, and schools. You don't need a degree in landscaping or horticulture to become a lawn care specialist, but you should have some experience.
A Top-notch Lawn Care Specialist
To be successful as a lawn care specialist, you need to be creative and be able to work well on your own. A top-notch lawn care specialist is knowledgeable about plant life and has the strength and stamina to do the job.
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A Lawn Care Specialist
A lawn care specialist is focused on the maintenance of outdoor spaces. Their main tasks are mowing lawns and taking care of grass to make it grow as efficiently as possible. Other tasks include applying pesticides, applyingfertilizer, and removing yard waste from clients outdoor spaces.
A Job Description for a Yard Jockey
What is a yard jockey? A yard jockey is a truck driver who is moving trailers. Every plant and warehouse has a large yard where products are sent out.
The yard jockey moves trailers around the yard to and from the loading dock so that when a truck driver comes to pick up their load it is ready. The yard jockey is responsible for moving trailers to the loading dock to be loaded or unloaded, inspecting equipment, communicating with dispatch, delivering locally occasionally, log all trailer moves, and being very flexible as everyday things could change. If a trailer needs repairs, the yard jockey will notify the dispatch so the trailer can be taken to the repair shop.
The average salary for a yard jockey in the US is $16.00 per hour and $36,000 a year, depending on your location and experience, and if you have a degree. If you want to become a truck driver, you can get a yard jockey position, which doesn't require a degree in transportation. A yard jockey will be paid by the hour, which is great because you will know what your paycheck is each week, unlike a truck driver who is paid by the mile.
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