Utility Locate Technician Job Description


Author: Lorena
Published: 27 Jan 2020

The CP-Boundary Problem, Underground Utility Locators, The SU(2) Power Plant, A Utility Worker's Perspective, The Maintenance and Monitoring of All Plant Utility Equipment and more about utility locate technician job. Get more data about utility locate technician job for your career planning.

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The CP-Boundary Problem

Business cards are exchanged and plans are reviewed. Any necessary buildings are accessible. The scope of work is discussed and then the work begins.

The initial locates are over. Ground observations are made and anything that may indicate a danger under the ground is investigated. Make additional assessments.

Were all hollow pipes located? Do hollow pipes need to be traced by having a snake inserted in them? Follow up on all the conclusions.

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Underground Utility Locators

Utility locators are responsible for locating the underground conduits that carry utilities. Their work can be seen in the thin metal rods that are stuck to the ground to mark the path of underground utilities as they pass through neighborhoods. The locators try to protect underground utilities from damage.

locators work with utility maps as a guide, but they must also confirm that the locations marked on the maps are accurate. locators use electronic sensors to find underground utilities if the maps are incorrect. They mark the path of the utility conduit with thin metal rods.

The color coding allows locators to identify the type of utility. Locators spray-painted marks on the sidewalks and streets to show the presence of underground utilities. The type of utility is indicated by the color of the spray paint.

The APWA developed a color code for marking utility lines. Green is for sewer and drain lines, purple is for reclaimed water, blue is for potable water, orange is for alarm or signal lines, yellow is for gas, oil, steam, petroleum or gaseous materials, and red is for electric power lines and cables. Despite a widespread campaign to inform the public about the dangers of digging before utility locations have been marked, some people ignore the pleand begin excavation before utilities are pinpointed, resulting in substantial damage and even death.

An APWA conference group was told in September of 2009 that an underground utility line is hit every 60 seconds, with a cumulative financial impact of billions of dollars each year. Utility locators work for various companies, including utilities and utility location service companies, and also as private contractors. According to the website, the average annual salary for a utility locator was $33,048 in July of this year.

The SU(2) Power Plant

The objective is to perform core utility functions associated with customer service, complete all phases of core utility work with regard to meter sets, turn on and shut off, changes, and related piping.

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A Utility Worker's Perspective

Utility workers perform maintenance in a variety of work environments. A Utility Worker needs to be in good physical condition to do the job. A valid driver's license is essential for many jobs, as utility workers have to operate maintenance equipment and vehicles.

Some employers require candidates to have a commercial driver's license. A clean work area is important for the Utility Worker. Utility workers are often responsible for cleaning other areas of a work site.

Kitchen utility workers are responsible for cleaning dishes and cooking equipment, while manufacturing utility workers are responsible for cleaning machines. Utility workers handle hazardous chemicals. It is up to the Utility Worker to follow safety guidelines and wear protective gear.

The Utility Worker must clean up the spill in accordance with company policy and safety standards. The Utility Worker must conduct an inspection after completing a project. A Utility Worker must inspect each shrub to determine if additional trimming is needed.

A Utility Worker inspects vehicles to make sure the parts have been replaced correctly. Utility Workers are used to repair or replace equipment. A Utility Worker may have to repair a fleet vehicle or perform a power tool repair.

The Maintenance and Monitoring of All Plant Utility Equipment

All plant utility equipment, including boilers, air compressors, chillers, clean steam generators, water purification stills, steam headers, water loops, cooling towers, DI water systems, pumps andCIP systems, should be maintained and monitored daily.

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