Wraparound Facilitator Job Description
The Youth and Family-Specific Facilitator for the Hubble Family Wellness Program, The Phases of Wraparound, Wraparound: A Family-Based Program for Families with Special Need and more about wraparound facilitator job. Get more data about wraparound facilitator job for your career planning.

The Youth and Family-Specific Facilitator for the Hubble Family Wellness Program
The HFW Facilitator is responsible for ensuring that the youth and family-specific HFW experiences match the HFW Principles. The HFW Facilitator acts as a role model by respecting family culture, supporting voice and choice, and maintaining a strengths-based focus throughout the HFW process, which sets the tone for the entire team. The HFW Facilitator is responsible for making sure that the Theory of Change is met.
The HFW Facilitator is better able to help the youth and family identify and articulate their primary needs when they are acquainted with the family. The HFW Facilitator can assure that the primary needs are focused on in an integrated plan. The HFW Facilitator is constantly communicating with the youth and family to identify any new needs that might be added to the list.
See also our report about Care Facilitator job planning.
The Phases of Wraparound
What are the phases of services? The wraparound process has four phases. Each phase has several activities. Wraparound is described in terms of the ten principles or values that practice must adhere to.
Wraparound: A Family-Based Program for Families with Special Need
The family's needs are priority in Wraparound. The program is team based and involves each area working together to share responsibility for the child. Wraparound is a community-based and culturally competent way to work towards goals.
See also our post about Program Facilitator career description.
Wraparound: A Family-Driven Response to Mental Health and Behavioral Challenges
Wraparound is a family-driven way of responding to serious mental health or behavioral challenges when children or youth experience them. The child or youth and family are Wraparound at the center. The family's ideas and perspectives about what they need and what will be helpful drive all of the work in Wraparound.
The Wraparound team can include the young person and their family members, as well as their friends and the wider community, if they work with a Wraparound facilitator. The Wraparound was started several decades ago as a response to what was obviously not working well for children and youth with serious mental health or behavioral challenges. The user's guide to Wraparound is a document that describes the phases and activities of Wraparound in simple terms for families or system partners.
Wraparound requires a supportive organizational context and hospitable system context to be implemented well. A supportive organization makes sure that there are conditions in place to support high quality practice. Ensuring that staff acquire the skills and competencies they need to carry out their roles in Wraparound, ensuring that caseloads are reasonable and compensation is adequate, and ensuring that data is collected and analyzed so that the organization can monitor practice quality and program outcomes are some of the things that need to

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